The truth as told by liars. We swear.

Two life experts combine their advanced cognition with linguistic mastery to humerously joust over various topics. The ballad of Tricky Dick and Johnny Depth.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

TOPIC: What would you do with these?

Question: Your turn Johnny. It's not even a question is it?....nevermind, it is now.

Tricky ponders with his hand on his chin in sophistication:

1) What would you do with a multifaceted facet?

2) How much chuck could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck's name was Karl?

3) Beavers and Ducks?

4) How come country music isn't banned in the city?

5) Is a bird in the hand REALLY worth two in the bush?

6) How many birds is a bush in the hand worth?

7) What if the only thing that rhymed with "orange" was "purple"?

8) If you have a cold hot pocket, what is it now?

9) If a girl is taller than you, can you kiss during sex?

10) What exactly is going on if you are debugging a venus fly trap?

11) How big of a whore is Paris Hilton?

12) Vanilla or Mildred?

13) What are the rammifications of burping, hiccupping, yawning, sneezing and sniffling all at the same time?

The world needs to know Johnny.......make haste!

Johnny Depth:

Tricky I fail to see a common theme to these questions other than a lack of a theme... My responses are boring; I realize this, and--if you so choose--so shall you.

1) If I had a multifaceted facet I would do a lot of things, because it's not just a faucet.

2) Karl would chuck all the wood he could chuck?

3) Oregon State and Oregon?

4) I hate you... Why are the Jazz in Utah and the Grizzlies in Memphis [NBA]?

5) Yes, because that is a guarantee. Two birds in a bush--no guarantee.

6) Is the bush a good situation? If it is a good situation, it is worth a shit ton of birds.

7) That question implies that "orange" and "purple" do rhyme with each other--not the case. In fact, neither word rhymes with anything... But if they did, rhyming would be annoying as apposed to soothing; Rap would plummet in popularity; instead of an entertainer, Snoop Dogg would just be a gun welding druggy.

8) An Oxymoron? Assuming that hot pockets when hot are tasty, a cold hot pocket is still nasty crap.

9) Only if she wants to.

10) Whatever it is, you should exercise caution and wear protection. My guess is that if there was any real concern of people trying this it would be illegal.

11) I'm guessing over six foot.

12) Vanilla smells excellent and tastes like shit—which angers and confuses me. I am going to go out on a limb and choose Mildred.

13) Janet Reno

Friday, October 06, 2006

TOPIC: Right or wrong, I’m not following your logic

Question: How many people?

Johnny Depth:

You’ve heard of doing the right thing for all the wrong reasons, well here is another take.

1) How many people smoke cigarettes because they like playing with fire?

2) How many people feed the bears because they don’t want them to remember how to survive for themselves?

3) How many people get married because they like to fight?

4) How many people sun tan because they are curious about cancer?

5) How many people talk because they don’t want to listen?

6) How many people drive with their eyes closed because they don’t want to see it coming?

7) How many people join the military because they enjoy being shot at?

8) How many people play with their food to get mom to say something?

9) How many people sleep-in because they prefer lunch to breakfast?

10) How many people make their bed so they can mess it up?

11) How many people drink too much because they don’t want to remember what they said?

12) How many people play Russian roulette because they enjoy being the trigger man?

13) How many people ask stupid questions because they want to know how patient you are Tricky?

TRICKY gets big and bold (he he):

1) How many people end up playing with fire BECAUSE they were smoking? For instance, Coal Miners.

2) How many people attempt to feed the bears, befriend the bears, and end up not surviving themselves because the bear already has enough friends?

3) How many people are fighting too hard to get married and end up in a situation where they get to share half of all their belongings?

4) Who ISN'T curious about cancer (except ironically enough, George)? I just can't get the cells to grow where I want them in the crotchal region.

5) Too many.

6) Hopefully not too many. It's not good for their long-term plan.

7) I would say quite a few. Especially Iraqi militia men. Seriously, 150,000 U.S. troops......they really have to see that coming don't they?

8) I hate you.

9) How many sleep in because they can't hold down either.......on a monday?

10) I don't like sleeping in a made bed. Or my own bed (apparently) for that matter.

11) I'm going upstream on this one. I would love to remember what I said.....however, I know everything after I start drinking and it's really hard to remember talking about everything.

12) How many Russians actually play this game? I always wondered that.....

13) One. One god damn person.