The truth as told by liars. We swear.

Two life experts combine their advanced cognition with linguistic mastery to humerously joust over various topics. The ballad of Tricky Dick and Johnny Depth.

Monday, February 26, 2007

TOPIC: Suicide rate.

Question: Is it really that big of a surprise that the suicide rate is rising?

Tricky tries to explain:

I read that the suicide rate in the U.S. is on the rise. I also read that lots of people were surprised at this. Did nobody see the obvious signs of this? Let me discuss some obvious signs. How about the people who are standing at the crosswalks? Are they REALLY standing at the crosswalk to cross????? I mean REALLY.....I see people stand on the very edge of the curb, with their toes basically curling over and clinging to the edge, leaning out at a 30 degree angle, and looking as if the ultimate goal is to eat bugs off my windshield with their faces. This to me seems like a rather obvious cry for help.....or for food, especially if they're trying to eat my shield bugs.

Johnny Depth ponders:

Let me say this over and over again. This. This. This. This does surprise me Tricky. I thought with all those buildings getting taller and taller fewer people would be getting so close to the edges. "I'd jump, but it's just too damn high." Now that I think about it though, my initial argument sucks. The bigger the buildings the more ledges to jump from. Could the cause be deeper than advances in building techniques and materials? Could it be that we've just got it too easy these days? Life's not getting more complex, we've just got more time to make it more complex. In the USA, you don't have to do very much to survive these days. Go sit behind a computer for 7 to 9 hours a day and your probably making enough to work five days a week and play Wii the other two days taking 20 minute breaks to nuke some hot-pockets. That is considerably easier than waking every morning at daybreak and grabbing the old hunting stick to scour the surrounding area in minimal cloths and poor foot-ware in the hope that you will be able to catch a small dove, sage grouse, or cotton tail napping on the job. When you're so close to death every day, I doubt there's time to think about crowding the curb or playing hide and go seek in bear country. Just a guess, but I bet the suicide rate in Darfur is pretty low, not that it is a statistic that is readily available... They're too busy avoiding mass murder to count how many people opted not to wait for the cross-walk.

Tricky raises the pot by two cents:

That's probably true, or maybe "that's" is simply "that's", and "true" is still "true". Either way, without the word substitution from the bench of lies, I would say you're onto something....and hopefully it's not crack again. I mean, think about all the time wasted on thinking about how to waste our time. Here we are talking to basically nobody, yet amusing each other, pretending to be friends when in reality the ultimate goal is to see who can rob who first and leave zero fingerprints. Even though it takes a mere condensed breath placed in the wrong spot to get caught for a crime these days.....and that's the truth (according to CSI). What the hell were we talking about to begin this mess I call a post? Oh right.....I really only had one question from your previous post.....

What is a cotton tail's job?

Johnny Depth takes Tricky's two cents and pockets it:



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4:08 PM  
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11:28 PM  

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